2022-2026 Strategic Plan

OHT-N Strategic Plan coverThe Ontario Health Team of Northumberland (OHT-N) 2022-2026 Strategic Plan sets our direction for shaping, together, the future of care and services for Northumberland.

Core areas of focus

OHT-N partners will focus on advancing the following health and well-being priorities for Northumberland:

  • Improving access to primary and specialty care and services in our region.
  • Supporting older adults with complex conditions to live and age well at home.
  • Improving access and services for those who have mental health and addiction needs.

Five supporting ‘pillars’ have also been identified, to ensure Northumberland is well positioned to drive this work forward. They are:

  1. Advocating together and coordinating county-wide solutions
  2. Helping people navigate the system to find the care and support they need
  3. Empowering our community of health and well-being supporters
  4. Creating safe spaces for whole-person care and support where everyone is welcome
  5. Creating the building blocks for a robust OHT-N

Learn more about the objectives and actions for each area of focus, and the pillars that will support them:

View our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

The process

In 2022, we launched a local first: a county-wide, cross-sector, collaborative community conversation and data gathering exercise around local health and well-being priorities. The input gathered has been key for our Strategic Plan, as well as the individual plans of OHT-N partner organizations. 

500 touch points
500 touch points with patients, caregivers, community members, health care and community service providers through survey submissions, focus groups, and stakeholder interviews.
Five ‘Strategy Hives’ 
 Five ‘Strategy Hives’ with over 170 participants exploring challenges and opportunities around specific themes including:
  • Inclusion, systemic inequity and social determinants of health
  • Primary care solutions
  • Aging well at home
  • Supporting mental health and addictions care
  • Navigating a simpler connected system
Review of local data 
 A review of data collected by community partners, including:
  • Ontario Health population data
  • Housing and homelessness statistics
  • Primary care access data
  • Local Emergency Room Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS) data
  • Alternate Level of Care statistics
  • Utilization of community paramedicine
  • Long-term care wait list statistics
  • Mental health service availability locally and regionally

Review a summary of all data and feedback reviewed through this process.

View our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan: Data and Outputs Report 

What is the Ontario Health Team of Northumberland

In February 2019, the Ontario government introduced the Ontario Health Team (OHT) model of care. OHTs would be a new way of organizing and delivering care, with patients, caregivers and providers working together to plan and deliver health and community services. In December 2019, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Christine Elliott confirmed the OHT-N as one of the first 24 OHTs in the province.  

Learn more about the OHT-N's shared priorities and impact to date in our community. 

OHT-N shared priorities and impact to date
